Transforming ideas into captivating websites is my expertise. With a skillful blend of Figma for mockups and Elementor/Crocoblock for WordPress, I bring designs to life, ensuring seamless functionality and stunning visuals.


▶  UI/UX Design

▶  Website design in Figma

▶  Implementing Design in WordPress

▶  Elementor & Crocoblock Proficiency

▶  Responsive Designs

▶  Customization of design elements to fit your brand identity

▶  Creation of wireframes and prototypes for testing and feedback

▶  Collaboration with front-end developers to ensure accurate implementation of the design

▶  Creation of a UI style guide for your website

▶  Ongoing support and maintenance as needed


As a UI/UX Designer specializing in Figma, I offer comprehensive services that focus on creating exceptional user experiences and visually appealing interfaces for digital applications. My expertise lies at the intersection of design aesthetics, user psychology, and technical feasibility, ensuring your projects look stunning and function seamlessly. Here’s a breakdown of my services:

▶  Crafting intuitive and visually appealing User Interface (UI) designs.

▶  Creating seamless User Experience (UX) through research and wireframing.

▶  Developing interactive prototypes for feedback and refinement.

▶  Crating stunning animations.

▶  Ensuring responsive designs for various devices.

▶  Collaborating closely with teams using Figma’s features.

▶  Conducting usability testing and iterative design improvements.

▶  Providing UI Style Guide for Development.

▶  Providing comprehensive design documentation and assets for development.


Visual Identity Creation:

▶  Crafting unique and memorable logos that represent a brand’s essence.

▶  Designing consistent color palettes, typography, and graphic elements.

Brand Guidelines:

▶  Developing comprehensive brand guidelines to ensure design consistency.

▶  Outlining logo usage, color codes, typography rules, and visual standards.

Branding Collateral:

▶  Designing business cards, letterheads, and other print materials.

▶  Creating digital assets like social media banners and email templates.

Brand Strategy:

▶  Defining a brand’s personality, values, and target audience.

▶  Aligning design choices with the brand’s overall message and goals.

Collaboration with Developers:

▶  Coordinating with developers to implement branding elements into the user interface.


Being a committed graphic designer with expertise in UI/UX Design, I’m here to assist you in transforming your ideas into reality, regardless of whether you’re an individual, startup, or small business.

▶  Branding and Logo Design: Your brand identity is your unique fingerprint in the business world. We create distinctive logos and branding elements that capture your essence and resonate with your target audience.


▶  Print Design: From business cards to brochures, posters to flyers, we turn your concepts into striking printed materials that convey your message effectively.


▶  Digital Graphics: In today’s digital landscape, we design attention-grabbing visuals for social media posts, website banners, and online advertisements to elevate your online presence.


▶  UI/UX Design: We create intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces that enhance user experiences for websites and apps, ensuring seamless navigation and engagement.


▶  Illustrations: Our illustrations breathe life into your ideas, adding a unique and artistic touch to your projects.


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