Web Designing

ZenZone Ecommerce Website UI/UX Design

Ecommerce Website Design


I have successfully designed a user-centric e-commerce website for selling diverse tech gadgets, prioritizing an engaging shopping journey and easy exploration of innovative products.


▶  Developed an intuitive interface catering to tech-savvy users and beginners.
▶ Presented tech gadgets attractively, showcasing features and specifications effectively.
▶  Ensured seamless browsing on various devices through responsive design.
▶  Streamlined user flow from product discovery to efficient checkout.
▶  Established a compelling brand identity using consistent visuals and typography.


▶  Engaging the homepage with featured gadgets and promotions.
▶  User-friendly product listings with sorting and filtering options.
▶  Detailed product pages with comprehensive information and reviews.
▶  Convenient shopping cart and user-friendly checkout process.
▶  User accounts with order history, tracking, and wishlist features.

Visual Style:

▶  Modern and clean design with a tech-inspired aesthetic.
▶  Bold and subtle colors for visual hierarchy.
▶  High-quality images and relevant icons.
▶  Consistent typography for brand recognition.


▶  Design and Wireframing: 2 weeks
▶  Visual Design and Mockups: 3 weeks
▶  Prototyping and User Testing: 2 weeks
▶  Final Revisions: 1 week


▶  Wireframes, high-fidelity mockups, and interactive prototypes.
▶  Design assets (icons, images, typography guidelines).
▶  Comprehensive design documentation.

[N.B. I am bound by a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) and, therefore, unable to provide specific details or information regarding projects under the agreement. ]