Yamin Khan

Yamin Khan


About Myself

Yamin Khan

Step into the captivating realm of design! I am Yamin Khan—an adept WordPress web designer and a proficient UI/UX specialist. My journey is defined by crafting visually stunning websites and applications backed by extensive experience and a commitment to delivering exceptional outcomes.

Armed with a wealth of knowledge and an unyielding passion for design, I possess the power to propel your business to unprecedented levels of success. Embracing cutting-edge technologies and imaginative concepts, I can create an extraordinary website or application that embodies the true essence of your brand’s vision.


2021 - 2023

Web Designer


2023 - Present

Digital Product Designer

Rushabh Instruments


2021 - Present

Bachelor of Arts in English Literacy






Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Data Entry

HTML & CSS Basic

skills and expertise

UI/UX Designer


As a passionate UI/UX designer specializing in Figma, I have crafted delightful digital experiences bridging the gap between aesthetics and functionality. Leveraging my skills and creativity, I have successfully contributed to various projects, both independently and collaboratively, ensuring user-centric designs that exceed client expectations.

Key Accomplishments and Responsibilities:

▶  User-Centered Design: Collaborated closely with cross-functional teams to define and prioritize user needs, translating them into intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces. Conducted thorough user research and usability testing to validate design decisions and iterate based on feedback.

▶  Figma Mastery: I utilized Figma as my primary design tool to create wireframes, mockups, and interactive prototypes. Leveraged Figma’s collaborative features to streamline communication and feedback loops with team members and stakeholders, enhancing efficiency and design coherence.

▶  Responsive Design: Designed responsive interfaces that seamlessly adapt to various screen sizes, ensuring a consistent and engaging user experience across devices.

▶  Iconography and Illustration: Created custom icons and illustrations to enhance the visual appeal and storytelling elements of digital products, adding a unique touch to each project.

▶  Prototyping and Animation: Developed interactive prototypes with Figma’s advanced animation capabilities, showcasing complex interactions and user flows to provide stakeholders with a tangible feel of the final product.

▶  Design Systems: Led the creation and maintenance of design systems within Figma, establishing a centralized hub for reusable components, styles, and guidelines. This streamlined the design process, ensuring consistency and speeding up the production phase.

  Client Collaboration: Worked closely with clients to understand their vision, goals, and requirements and translated them into effective design solutions. Presented design concepts and rationale, integrating client feedback to achieve optimal outcomes.

▶  Project Management: Managed multiple projects concurrently, adhering to tight deadlines and delivering high-quality design assets within budget and employed project management tools to track progress and facilitate efficient communication.

▶  Stayed Current: Continuously stayed updated with the latest UI/UX trends, design principles, and emerging technologies, integrating innovative approaches into design solutions.


Web Designer


As a proficient WordPress website designer specializing in Elementor and Crocoblock, I have been instrumental in creating stunning and functional websites that elevate brands and engage audiences. My experience is marked by a seamless fusion of design sensibility, technical proficiency, and a deep understanding of user-centered principles.

Key Accomplishments and Responsibilities:

▶  Strategic Design Implementation:  Collaborated closely with clients to understand their brand identity, goals, and target audience, translating their vision into visually appealing and functional WordPress websites. Conducted comprehensive client consultations to align design concepts with their aspirations.

▶  WordPress Expertise: Leveraged my in-depth knowledge of WordPress to create custom and responsive websites. I utilized themes, plugins, and custom coding to implement design elements and functionalities tailored to the specific needs of each project.

▶  Elementor and Crocoblock Mastery: Demonstrated an advanced command of Elementor’s drag-and-drop interface and Crocoblock’s versatile toolkit to build customized websites with intricate layouts, dynamic content, and interactive elements, pushing the boundaries of WordPress design.

▶  Visual Aesthetics and Branding: Infused websites with captivating visuals, typography, and color schemes that align with each client’s brand identity. Produced polished designs that resonated with target audiences, leaving a memorable impact.

▶  Responsive Web Design: Ensured a consistent and enjoyable browsing experience across devices by implementing responsive design techniques and optimizing content for desktops, tablets, and mobiles.

  Staying Ahead of Trends: Maintained a proactive approach to staying updated on the latest design trends, Elementor and Crocoblock innovations, and emerging industry technologies, consistently integrating cutting-edge solutions.